Shows Joomla! - dynamiczny system portalowy i system zarządzania treścią Tue, 18 Jun 2013 19:38:40 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management en-gb POWER STATION OF SOUND-music spectacle by Little Instruments The castle in Janowiec * Friday (August 7, 2009) * 10:00 p.m.

dir Little Instruments, mus Little Instruments, cast Little Instruments (Maciej Bączyk, Jędrzej Kuziela, Maciej Markowski, Tomasz Orszulak, Marcin Ożóg, Paweł Romańczuk), 50 min.

Inventing a mechanical man playing flute seemed equally unreal like inventing a light bulb. But both inventions were successful. The urge to possess the divine objects is not the crazy alchemy of gold. It's a series of discoveries and inventions in the field of sound systems- sometimes completely simple and primitive, and sometimes technically advanced. The world of music machines, kinetics of music that creates energy- this is the essence of the experiment carried out by Little Instruments. Place- the power station, dialogues- the music made by mechanisms and little instruments, which combines advanced experiments with emotionally naïve discoveries.

Is it possible to create the synergy of musical mechanics and real energy by following those sound experiments?- come and join us at 'POWER STATION OF SOUND'.

The spectacle is a sound story about imaginary ways of transforming sound into light. Main tools used here - those small instruments - cooperate with sound & light machines, made by the band for the use of the show, in music and on stage. The illusory plot presents the last hours of work at the "Power Station of Sound" and its abandoned workers. The music of the show is a fearless combination of machine sound effects with pieces characteristic for the machine reality of an imaginary factory of light.

‘The Power Station of Sound’ was awarded the main prize for the best Off Trend event during the 29th Theatrical Song Contest in Wrocław.

Little Instruments

Little Instruments are a band exploring new sounds using a wide array of small instruments. The group was started by Pawel Romanczuk in 2006, who was joined by Marcin Ozog, Maciej Markowski, Tomasz Orszulak, Jedrzej Kuziela and Maciej Baczyk. The instruments used in their sonic experiments feature an ever expanding array of professional instruments, sound toys made for children or naive in nature, strange musical inventions as well as a whole array of small items that aren't really instruments but do make a sound. The music created in this way reveals unique colours of sound – sometimes beautiful and fine, sometimes surprising and insightful.

The group debuted at ‘ERA New Horizons’ Film Festival in 2007 and since then they have worked on many musical projects and cooperated with Jerzy Armata, the Polish Audiovisual Publishers, ARKA Dance Theatre, Entropia Gallery, Warsaw CSW Gallery, Audio Art Festival, Capitol Theatre and others.

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Spektakle Sat, 25 Jul 2009 06:23:16 +0000
Ear, Throat, Knife The castle in Kazimierz * Saturday (August 8, 2009) * 9:00 p.m.

Ear, Throat, Knife, 120 min

dir Krystyna Janda cast Krystyna Janda sc Krystyna Janda, Vedrana Rudan tran Grzegorz Brzozowicz

CAUTION: adult-only (NC-18)

A monodrama that is directed and performed by Krystyna Janda. She is also the author of the theatrical adaptation of Vedrana Rudan’s book under the same title. The main heroine, Tonka Babić, is a woman in her 50s who spends a sleepless night lying in her bed with a TV turned down, and devouring numerous bars of chocolate tells a story of her life. She jumps from one topic to the next, from one place to another. The tragic events and comic episodes are intertwined. She often breaks off and teases with curious audience. Ruthlessly honest, she doesn’t spare anybody, even herself.

Spektakle Mon, 27 Jul 2009 20:53:43 +0000
„To Leave With Violin” Leo Kantor- Documentary Theatre The Small Cinema * Tuesday (August 4, 2009) * 8:30 p.m.

Wyjechać ze skrzypcami„To Leave With Violin” Leo Kantor- Documentary Theatre

Mądrym ku pamięci, nieświadomym dla nauki, politykom dla przestrogi.

W poszukiwaniu dobra i doskonałości człowiek stworzył skrzypce, żaden inny instrument, dosłownie i w przenośni, nie leży grającemu bliżej serca. (...) Mówi się nieraz, że człowiek , który nie zaznał bólu nie potrafi w pełni cieszyć się radością muzyki. Skrzypce najlepiej też wyrażają smutek, żal i ten niezwykły śmiech – przez łzy. Nie przez przypadek jest to instrument umiłowany przez Żydów i Polaków, te dwa chyba najbardziej melancholijne narody świata.“ - fragment spektaklu.

Wtorek, 4 sierpnia, (Mały Namiot), teatr dokumentalny w wykonaniu Leo Kantora.

Leo Kantor Leo Leszek Kantor jest publicystą, filologiem słowiańskim i animatorem kultury związanym przez wiele lat z Uniwersytetem Sztokholmskim. Po Marcu został usunięty z Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej w Opolu, gdzie studiował rusycystykę, a następnie wykładał. W 1969 roku wyjechał z Polski. Obecnie jest dyrektorem Międzynarodowego Festiwalu Filmowego „Humanity In the World”. W 2008 roku został uhonorowany główną nagrodą Federacji Artystów Szwedzkich za obronę praw człowieka w dokumencie filmowym.

Spektakle Mon, 20 Jul 2009 18:57:15 +0000