Porozmawiajmy o życiu i śmierci

Porozmawiajmy o życiu i śmierci

Let’s Talk About Life And Death Polska (PL) 2002, kolor|colour, 55 min.
dir Krystyna Janda pro Telewizja Polska - Agencja Filmowa (Teatr Telewizji Program I TVP S.A.) sc Krystyna Janda ph Edward Kłosiński mus Krzysztof Knittel mon Milenia Fiedler cast Krystyna Janda, Jerzy Stuhr, Borys Szyc, Krzysztof Raczkowski dis TVP S.A.

Play of a young Polish dramatist. Picture of daily, meaningless existence of people with no moral principles, unable to feel more refined feelings, driven by egoism and desire for profits, disloyal, lying and ready to betray even the closest ones, and at the same time hiding deep inside predominant feeling of solitude and longing for great love. Characters from the play – father, mother and an adult son – it is a family as many others in Poland. They live hectic lives with their cell phones “glued” to their ears, they seem to live together yet they live apart, they are indifferent to other people’s problems, unaware of them.