

Polska/Szwajcaria/Dania/Niemcy (PL/CH/DK/DE) 2000, kolor, 96 min.
dir Wojciech Marczewski pro Krzysztof Zanussi sc Wojciech Marczewski ph Krzysztof Ptak ed Milenia Fiedler cast Marek Kondrat, Krystyna Janda, Juliane Kohler, Teresa Marczewska, Zbigniew Zamachowski, Krzysztof Globisz, Michael Mendl, Mariusz Benoit , Marian Opania, Michał Pawlicki, Piotr Fronczewski, Magdalena Cielecka, Teresa Budzisz-Krzyżanowska, Jarosław Gajewski, Janusz Gajos dis SF TOR

„Weiser” is a movie about our memory and its flaws, about a secret of a childhood, which is the most magical, but yet the most painful stage of life, full of true fascinations and enchantments. Reality of every day life mixes up with mysticism, with recollection, not always truthful. After so many years how can we tell what is, or what was truth, and what was only a game of our tormented imagination? Is the image of a dramatic event from thirty years ago which cannot be erased from memory and returns obsessively, for real or is it just sick imagination? Action of the movie takes place in two, simultaneously presented, times – in the far past of the sixties and on the present day.